actionable dashboard based on real-time data

At, operational and management dashboards provide accurate insights in real time. The dashboards are tailored to the needs of several user groups. All users have the data they need to take data-driven decisions at their fingertips.

Vacature is part of De Persgroep. It is a job search and recruitment magazine, distributed weekly with De Morgen and twice a month as a stand-alone publication. is the group’s online job search and recruitment portal. To support management meetings, analysts used to spend several days collecting data and creating management reports. However, by the time the reports were used, the data was at least a week old. wanted to gain new insights from its data and become more data-driven, based on automated monthly reports derived from accurate data, benchmarks and trend lines. First of all, Xplore Group created simple dashboards in Excel, reflecting’s existing reporting process. These dashboards were the starting point for an in-depth exercise, rolling out a KPI-based measurement framework that defines all online objectives and KPI’s, and acts as the basis for all reports, measures and dashboards. uses the framework to build Klipfolio dashboards that combine different data sources. The dashboards are targeted to different audiences within the organization and include monthly management dashboards, target dashboards for online channels, SEO dashboards, specific project dashboards, and more.


At’s offices, actionable dashboards are displayed on big screens, offering the employees an easy way to follow-up on performance and evolution. Decisions are taken based on accurate and real-time data. This new approach offers an overview of the results of online actions and marketing campaigns, allowing to constantly optimize its actions.

Xploration wanted to gain new insights from its data and become more data-driven, based on automated monthly reports.

Our solution

Xplore Group built a KPI-based measurement framework that acts as the basis for all reports, measures and dashboards.


  • Excel
  • Klipfolio


Actionable dashboards are available in real time, allowing to take decisions based on accurate and real-time data.