Having said this, it is also true that customer journey mapping should never be something you do as an end-goal or a stand-alone project.
Having said this, it is also true that customer journey mapping should never be something you do as an end-goal or a stand-alone project.
InfoFarm was hosted by farmer Luc and his wife Marina from the Sint-Jozefhoeve for a teambuilding. Next to running a full dairy farm they still find the time to organize teambuilding activities, give educations to schools and facilitate team coaching and talent development sessions.
For the very first time, IBM brought all of its fields of expertise together at one location: the IBM Think 2018 conference in Las Vegas. And of course, Integration Designers was there as well.
Putting dedication to your passion clearly increases the chances of being successful. That was the key message presented by Craftworkz at ‘Keys to success’.