Un nuevo estudio realizado por Xplore Group

Two people looking at printed plans stuck on a wall, project management and discussions.

La situación de la gestión de proyectos en Bélgica – 2020 y las décadas venideras.

Un día en la vida de bid officer Bo, la agente de ofertas

Te presento a BO. Es la incorporación más reciente al equipo de la Oficina de Licitaciones del Xplore Group.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Durante los últimos años, Xplore Group ha demostrado ser un grupo de ingenieros altamente cualificados e innovadores. Como Advanced Partner de AWS, también hemos demostrado nuestras habilidades en Cloud Computing.

Technologia inmersiva

Los minoristas necesitan aprovechar las tecnologías inmersivas para resolver el apocalipsis minorista

Joining VITO as a starter

“With a junior profile, you have endless possibilities to extend yourself and, at the same time, develop a broad base. This gives – both starters and customers – the chance to assume several different tasks and spheres of action,” recalls Hans, DevOps Engineer at FlowFactor.

Our recruitment journey

There is no such thing as a standardised recruitment journey, but we do like to build a personalised one. Let us walk you through the story.

Una revisión de 1 año RoboRana

Mientras tanto, es posible que ya conozcas a RoboRana. Somos una empresa joven y entusiasta, especializada en la construcción de soluciones robustas de Automatización de Procesos Robóticos (RPA).

Maximum learning through tailor-made internship

The marketing students of the Karel de Grote Hogeschool end their final year with a four-month internship. Michaël Engelen looks back on his internship at YellowGround, an Xplore Group company.

The name is planner: Optaplanner

How do you work efficiently with the planning of a limited set of resources (employees, vehicles, classrooms, …) that are clustered with a lot of rules that, in an optimal world, must not be broken?

GDPR: Compliance after the law come into force

It’s been quite a bombardment these past few months: the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). But despite much attention being given to the term, interpretation of the legislation is much divided.